
Pay Options for Loblaw Members

During this challenging time, there are many questions and scenarios about your pay when you miss work.

Loblaw has created a Pay Protection Program which will cover your lost wages in certain scenarios.

Below is an explanation of multiple scenarios for how you would recover pay and lost-wages if you have any questions, please contact your Union Rep.

If you have left the country BEFORE March 13, and have now returned:

You should be in self-isolation for two-weeks before returning to work.

If you applied for the Pay Protection Program (PPP) before March 29:

Your pay from self-isolation will be covered by the PPP, and you will receive your pay when you return to work.

The pay you receive will be equal to:

  • Full-Time Workers get 100%
  • Part-Time Workers will receive 95% of your wages, with your hours will be based the an average of your last 20-weeks of work.

If you applied for the Pay Protection Program (PPP) after March 29:

You should be in self-isolation for two-weeks before returning to work.

You need to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
Visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html

When you return to work, the difference between your normal wage and what you made on CERB will be covered by the PPP.

You will be topped-up to:

  • Full-Time Workers get 100%
  • Part-Time Workers will receive 95% of your wages, with your hours will be based the an average of your last 20-weeks of work.

If you have left the country AFTER March 13, and have now returned:

March 13 was the date that the Government of Canada stated that you should not be travelling Internationally.

  1. You should be in self-isolation for two-weeks before returning to work.
  2. You need to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
    Visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html

If you are showing symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19, and you are directed to self-isolate:

  1. You should tell your manager you want to apply for the Pay Protection Program. When you return to work, your wages will be topped up to either 95% of the last 20 weeks if you’re a part-timer or 100% of your normal wage if you work full-time.
  2. You need to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
    Visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html
  3. You should be in self-isolation for two-weeks or until you are well enough to return whichever is longer.

If you are not coming to work because you are a caregiver to young children, caregiver to someone sick or a caregiver to someone in quarantine:

  1. Speak to your manager about getting a leave of absence.
  2. You need to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
    Visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html

If you want to remove yourself from work as a precaution:

  1. Speak to your manager about getting a leave of absence

If you are sick with a cold or flu (or for some other illness that is Not COVID-19) and you have a doctor’s note:

  1. Call and tell your manager you are sick
  2. Call Health Links if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19
  3. Apply for Employment Insurance under Sickness Benefits
    Visit https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei.html
  4. Stay home until you are better